The Morning Mindset

Make Your Journey Fulfilling: Balance Goals and Intentions

September 06, 2024 Craig Skelton Season 1 Episode 49

Can understanding the distinction between intentions and goals truly transform your life? On this episode of the Morning Mindset Podcast, Craig Skelton unpacks the profound impact that integrating both goals and intentions can have on your daily routine and long-term ambitions. While goals give us precise targets and push us to achieve specific outcomes, intentions keep us present and grounded, ensuring that our journey aligns with our true selves. Craig explains how focusing solely on goals can sometimes lead to burnout and frustration, whereas setting intentions cultivates a foundation of joy and satisfaction that isn’t dependent on external achievements.

Listen in for actionable insights on how to balance these two powerful concepts in your life. Craig offers practical tips and real-life examples, illustrating how goals can map out your desired future, while intentions guide the quality of your actions and mindset day by day. Whether you’re aiming to save money, switch careers, or simply be more patient and present, this episode promises to teach you how to create a more balanced, fulfilling, and aligned approach to productivity. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to make each step of your journey both productive and enriching.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Morning Mindset Podcast with me, craig Skelton. Each day, we cover your morning with positivity, actionable insights and the motivation you need to conquer the day ahead. Whether you're looking to develop a positive mindset, a habit of persistence or simply starting your day on the right foot, this podcast is your daily dose of inspirational and practical advice. Today's topic has the power to transform the way you approach your day, your work and your life. It's all about the difference between setting intentions and setting goals and how you can use both to create a balanced and fulfilling approach to productivity. Now I know what you might be thinking. Aren't intentions and goals exactly the same thing? And on the surface they might sound they might seem very similar, but on the might sound they might seem very similar, but and on the surface they might seem very similar both are about setting a direction. Both involve a focus on the future, both can lead to a positive change, but the difference between them is there's quite considerable difference between them, and understanding this can be the difference between the key to unlocking a more balanced and life. Now I know what you're thinking. Aren't intentions and goals exactly the same thing? On the surface, they might seem very similar. Both are about setting a direction, both involve the future and both can lead to a positive change, but the difference between them is actually quite considerable, and understanding this can be the key to unlocking a more balanced and less stressful way of living. So let's start with goals.

Speaker 1:

We've all heard about the importance of setting goals specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. They've been drilled into us at school. For some of us, and work and even our personal lives, goals are about achieving something very specific in the future. They give us a clear target, something to aim for and something that, when accomplished, provides a sense of achievement. And goals are powerful. They push us to stretch our limits, to grow, to achieve things we never thought were possible. For example, we want to save a certain amount of money by the end of the year? That's a goal. We want to start a new career or in a new industry? Then that's a goal. But the truth is, goals, by their very nature, are outcome-focused. They live in the future, and while there's nothing wrong with striving for future success, the danger lies in becoming too fixated on the outcome. When we place all our attention on the result, we often forget to appreciate the journey, the process and the present moment. We tie our happiness and self-worth to achieving that goal, and if we fall short, it can lead to feelings of failure, frustration or even burnout.

Speaker 1:

Intentions are not about achieving a specific outcome. They're about how you want to be, how you want to feel, how you want to show up. Intentions are very rooted in the present. They're about the quality of your actions and the mindset you bring to your day-to-day life. For example, you might set an intention to be more patient or more present, or to approach your work with more curiosity and creativity. These aren't measurable or time-bound, but they guide your behaviour and help you align with your goals. And when you're intention, you're making a commitment to yourself to live in a way that feels authentic and true to who you are. You're not waiting for some future outcome to feel fulfilled. You embody that fulfilment right here and right now. This is where the magic happens, because when you live with intention, you create a foundation for satisfaction and joy that doesn't depend on external circumstances.

Speaker 1:

How do we balance these two powerful concepts? How do we use both goals and intentions to create a life productive, fulfilling and aligned with our true selves? The key is to integrate them. Think of it like this. Goals are the destination and the intentions are the way you travel. Goals give you direction. They help map out where you want to go, what you want to achieve, but intentions ensure that the journey is meaningful, that you live in alignment with your values every step of the way.

Speaker 1:

Let's say, for example, your goal is to get in shape. A goal-orientated approach losing a certain amount of, or running a certain distance or lifting a certain amount of weight these are all great goals, give you a clear target. But what happens if you miss a workout or if the scale doesn't move as quickly as you would? Without the right mindset, it's easy to get discouraged. Now you add an intention into the mix, set an intention to look after your body, to move with joy and to nourish yourself with love and care. For example, this intention guides how you approach your workout, meals and rest days. It shifts the focus from just achieving a number to cultivating a healthy, sustainable relationship with your body. And even on days when things don't go as planned, your intention keeps you grounded, positive and connected to the bigger why. Another example could be your career. You've got a goal to get a promotion or complete a big project or land a big client. That's your destination. But alongside that, set an intention to bring your best self to work every day, to lead with integrity or to just stay open to learning and for growth, and this intention shapes how you show up, how you interact with others and how you handle challenges along the way. It will ensure that, even if that promotion or goal takes longer than expected, or if there are setbacks, you're still moving forward with purpose and positivity. So now we've covered that the theory let's talk about how you can start to apply this balanced approach in your own life.

Speaker 1:

The first thing to do is start your day with intention. Take a moment to sort of set an intention for the day. Ask yourself how do I want to show up today? What kind of energy do I want to bring to my task? This sets the tone for the day and helps you stay aligned with your true values, no matter what challenges arise. The second thing to do is then set clear, meaningful goals. When setting goals, make sure they're aligned with your values and your long-term vision. Break them down into smaller, manageable steps and regularly check in with yourself to make sure you're on track. As I've said, like remember, the goal is the destination, but it's the journey that counts. So it's important to reflect regularly too. Take time to reflect on both your intentions and your goals. At the end of every day, at the end of each week, at the end of each month, ask yourself did I live in alignment with my intention today? Am I making progress towards my goal? This reflection helps you stay mindful and make adjustments when they're needed, and then be flexible and compassionate.

Speaker 1:

Life is unpredictable and things don't always go according to plan. When you encounter setbacks, remind yourself of your intention. Be kind to yourself. Remember that this, that progress is not always linear. Flexibility and self-compassion are the key to staying on track without burning out. And, as always, celebrate the small wins, acknowledge and celebrate those small victories along the way. Every step forward is a progress. Living in alignment with your intention is a success.

Speaker 1:

To wrap, wrap up today's episode, remember that both your goals and intentions have a place in your life. Goals give you direction, while intentions ensure you're living in a way that feels true to you. By combining the two, you create a balanced approach to productivity that not only helps you achieve your dreams, but also brings you joy, meaning and purpose to every step of your journey. So today set both a goal and an intention. Let them guide you as you move throughout your day and see how this balanced approach transforms the way you work, live and grow. That's today's morning mindset. Thank you for joining me on today's episode. If you did find it helpful, please and share it as well with a friend. Have an amazing day, stay motivated, stay focused, stay positive and run your own race.