The Morning Mindset

Unlock the Power of Consistency: Small Daily Actions for Long-Term Success

September 04, 2024 Craig Skelton

What if the secret to long-term success lies in the small, consistent actions you take every single day? Join me, Craig Skelton, on today's Morning Mindset Podcast as we tackle the critical role of consistency in achieving your goals, especially for self-employed individuals. Discover how showing up and putting in the effort, even when you don’t feel like it, can create unstoppable momentum in your business and personal life. We'll explore the powerful concept of the compound effect and how it transforms tiny, repeated actions into monumental achievements over time.

In this episode, gain practical strategies for maintaining consistency and building a resilient mindset to face challenges head-on. Learn how breaking down your grand goals into smaller, manageable tasks can help you stay focused and motivated, even when the going gets tough. Embrace the discomfort and push beyond your comfort zone to experience real growth. Whether you're struggling to stay motivated or looking for ways to build resilience, this episode offers actionable insights and the inspiration you need to invest in your future success, one small step at a time. Tune in, and start transforming your daily actions into long-term success!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Morning Mindset Podcast with me, craig Skelton. Each day, we kick off your morning with positivity, actionable insights and the motivation you need to conquer the day ahead, whether you're looking to develop a positive mindset or simply starting your day on the right, this podcast is your daily dose of inspirational and practical advice, and today's topic it's all about consistency, specifically why you have to be consistent, no matter what obstacles come your way. Now, what do I mean by consistency? It's the act of doing the right things, day in, day out, even when you don't feel like it. It's about showing up, putting in the work, putting in the graft and delivering results with unwavering reliability.

Speaker 1:

When you're self-employed, there's no boss hovering over you, no team to pick up the slack if you're having a bad day. The only way to move forward is to commit to the process, no matter what obstacles or challenges come your way. And speaking of obstacles, let's get real for a moment. If you're self-employed, we're in your own business. Challenges, obstacles are inevitable. There will be days when things don't go according to plan. Clients will disappear. They'll not ring you back. Sales are slow, unexpected issues arise. It's easy to feel discouraged or even consider giving up, which I know people do. But the thing is, obstacles are not the problem, it's how you respond to them is what matters. And that's where consistency comes in. When you're consistent, you build momentum. It's like pushing a boulder on a hill the first few pushes are the hardest to get it going, but if you keep pushing, the boulder becomes easier and easier to move and eventually you will get to the top. And that momentum is what carries you forward. And the same is true in business. The more consistent you are, the momentum you build up. And when you have momentum, momentum, obstacles become less daunting. You start to develop the resilience of facing challenges head-on, knowing that you've already put in, if you put the hard work in to build a solid foundation.

Speaker 1:

And the most powerful aspects of consistency is something called the compound effect. This is like the idea that small, seemingly insignificant actions, when repeated consistently over time, can lead to massive results. Think about it from a money point of view. If you save a small amount of money every single day, it might not seem like much at first, but over time that money grows, it compounds and eventually you've built up a substantial amount of savings. And the same principle applies to your business of savings. And the same principle applies to your business. If you consistently deliver high quality work, nurture your client relationships and market your services, those small actions will compound over time. You build a reputation, attract more clients and grow your business. But the catch is the compound effect only works if you're consistent. If you give up after a few weeks or months because you're not seeing immediate results, you miss out on the incredible power of compounding. So remember every small action you take today is an investment in your future success. It's an investment in your business's future.

Speaker 1:

Now, I know it's easier said than done. There will be time when you're tempted to quit You'll think what have I done here? And when the challenges feel overwhelming and you wonder if it's all worth it. That will happen. But those moments of doubt are when you really grow, where the real growth happens, and when you're faced with obstacles. It's natural to retreat to your comfort zone, but comfort zones are where dreams go to die. You've heard that so many times. Growth happens when you push through the discomfort, when you face challenges head on and refuse to give up.

Speaker 1:

One strategy that I found incredibly helpful is to break down your goals to smaller, manageable tasks Instead of focusing on the big picture, the long-term thing, we will sometimes feel overwhelmed. Focus on what you can do today. What small steps can you take right now to move your business forward? By breaking it down into smaller tasks, you make it easier to stay consistent even when you're facing challenges, and before you know it, those small steps will add to big progress. Another key to staying consistent is building a resilient mindset. This means developing the mental toughness to keep going even when things get tough. One of the best ways is to build resilience through self-reflection. Take time to reflect on why did you start this business in the first place? What are you hoping to achieve? When you connect with a deeper purpose, it becomes easier to stay motivated and push through those tough times.

Speaker 1:

It's also important to practice self-compassion. You're not always going to get it right every single time. There will be days when you fall short, when you miss a deadline or when things don't go according to plan, and that's okay. What matters is you don't let those setbacks derail your progress. You've got to learn from your mistakes, forgive yourself and keep moving.

Speaker 1:

And I want to look at the role of habits, because consistency is all about habits. The habits you form in your daily life are what determine your long-term success, and, as a business owner, it's crucial to develop habits that support your goals. One habit that I highly recommend is setting a daily routine. When you have a routine, you take the guesswork out of your day. You know what needs to be done. You have a plan to make it happen. This helps you stay on track even when you're faced with distractions or challenges. Another powerful habit is regular goal setting. Take to set clear, specific goals for your business and then break down those goals into actionable steps. By consistently working towards your goals, you create a roadmap for success. And don't forget the power of accountability. Find someone who can hold you accountable to your goals. This could be a mentor or business coach, or even a friend. When you know that someone else is counting on you to follow through, it becomes much easier to stay consistent, and so, just to wrap up today's episode, I want to leave you with a thought.

Speaker 1:

Consistency is your superpower. It's what separates those who succeed from those that don't. It's not about being the smartest or the most talented. It's about showing up day after day and doing the work. No matter what obstacles come your way, you have the power to overcome them. Stay focused on your goals, keep pushing forward and trust in the process. Over time, your consistency will pay off in ways that you couldn't even imagine. So keep going, keep showing up, keep doing the work and the road to success is paved with consistency. So that's it. Thanks for joining me on the Morning Mindset. If you've enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, share it with a friend, leave a review. We're back tomorrow with more insights. Have a great day, stay motivated, stay focused, stay positive and run your own race.