The Morning Mindset

Master Habit Transformation: Simplify Your Path to Success and Fulfillment

July 23, 2024 Craig Season 1 Episode 17
Master Habit Transformation: Simplify Your Path to Success and Fulfillment
The Morning Mindset
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The Morning Mindset
Master Habit Transformation: Simplify Your Path to Success and Fulfillment
Jul 23, 2024 Season 1 Episode 17

Ever wondered why some habits are so hard to break, yet others seem to stick effortlessly? In today's episode of the Morning Mindset Podcast, I, Craig Skelton, promise you'll uncover the secrets to transforming your daily routines and finally ditching those pesky bad habits. By journaling your daily actions and identifying the cues and rewards behind your behavior, you'll gain powerful insights into your habits' roots and learn actionable steps to modify them.

We'll dive into the fascinating science of the habit loop, breaking down how to keep cues and rewards while altering routines to instill positive changes. You'll hear how setting specific, manageable goals and focusing on one habit at a time can streamline your path to success. Plus, I'll share practical strategies for overcoming obstacles and the critical role of accountability, including using tech tools to keep you on track. Tune in and get ready to reprogram your habits for a more successful, fulfilling life!

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Show Notes Transcript

Ever wondered why some habits are so hard to break, yet others seem to stick effortlessly? In today's episode of the Morning Mindset Podcast, I, Craig Skelton, promise you'll uncover the secrets to transforming your daily routines and finally ditching those pesky bad habits. By journaling your daily actions and identifying the cues and rewards behind your behavior, you'll gain powerful insights into your habits' roots and learn actionable steps to modify them.

We'll dive into the fascinating science of the habit loop, breaking down how to keep cues and rewards while altering routines to instill positive changes. You'll hear how setting specific, manageable goals and focusing on one habit at a time can streamline your path to success. Plus, I'll share practical strategies for overcoming obstacles and the critical role of accountability, including using tech tools to keep you on track. Tune in and get ready to reprogram your habits for a more successful, fulfilling life!

Watch the episode on YouTube

Looking for one to one mentoring, visit my website to see how it works

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Morning Mindset Podcast with me, craig Skelton. Each day, we kick off your morning with positivity, actionable insights and the motivation you need to conquer your day, whether you're looking to develop a positive mindset, habit of persistence or simply start your day on the right foot. So today we're getting back into a topic that's crucial for personal growth and success Changing habits and getting rid of the bad ones. Yesterday we talked about why habits are important and understanding your own. So, following on from that, we're looking at changing those habits and getting rid of the bad ones. So the first thing is understanding habits.

Speaker 1:

Habits are fascinating. They are small decisions you make and actions you perform every single day. Your life today is essentially the sum of your habits. How in shape or out of shape you are a result of your habits. How happy you are or unhappy, you are a result of your habits. How successful you are or unsuccessful you are is a result of your habits. But why are habits so powerful? The answer lies in the brain. Habits are formed through a process called chunking and where the brain converts a sequence of actions into an automatic routine. The process frees up mental space and allows you to focus on other things. It also means that once a habit is established, it can be hard to change those habits. But the good news is that, with the right strategies, it's possible to rewire your brain and form new, positive habits while eliminating the old ones that no longer serve you.

Speaker 1:

So let's look at identifying bad habits. Before we can change our habits, we need to identify them. This might seem straightforward, but some habits are so ingrained in our daily routines that we don't even notice them. So take a moment to reflect on your day-to-day activities. Are there actions you take that you know aren't good for you? Maybe it's reaching for junk food when you're stressed, or scrolling through social media endlessly, or hitting the snooze button multiple times each morning. To identify your bad habits, keep a journal for a week. Write down everything you do and note the times of day you engage in behaviours that you want to change. Look for patterns. When do these habits occur? How do they make you feel?

Speaker 1:

Understanding the triggers and rewards associated with the habits is the first step to change. Then the science of habit change. So we've identified our bad habits. What's next? It's time to understand the science behind habit change.

Speaker 1:

According to researchers, habits consist of three components the cue, the routine and the reward. This is also known as the habit loop, and so the cue is what triggers the behaviour, the routine is the behaviour itself and the reward is what you get from that behaviour. So let's break it down with an example. So suppose you have a habit of eating a biscuit every single morning. The cue could be feeling a slump in energy, the routine is eating that biscuit and the reward is that temporary energy boost and satisfaction. So to change this habit, you need to keep the cue and the reward the same, but change the routine. So. So, instead of reaching for a biscuit, go for a walk, go for a break or get a healthier snack. You then need to look at moving on to setting clear goals. So now we understand what the habit loop is, it's time to set clear goals for the habits that we want to change, but be specific about what you want to achieve. Instead of saying I want to be healthier, say, I will eat a piece of fruit instead of a biscuit in the afternoon. Make your goals smart as well, and also focus on one habit at a time.

Speaker 1:

Trying to change too many habits all at once can be quite overwhelming and counterproductive. Start small and then build momentum, and then it's about creating a plan and staying accountable. So, with your goals set, it's time to create a plan. Write down the new habits you want to form and the bad habits you want to get rid of. Plan for obstacles If you know you won't get a sugar craving in the afternoon, have some healthier snacks ready available. If it's social media that distracts you from work, use apps. There's plenty of apps and technology out there that block it during certain hours of the day. Staying accountable is crucial. So share your goals with friends or colleagues, or join a group that's got like-minded individuals and, as always, celebrate your wins, no matter how small those wins are, and don't beat yourself up over the setbacks. Progress, not perfection, is what you're aiming for. And then power of mindset. So let's talk about the power of mindset.

Speaker 1:

Changing habits isn't just about willpower. It's about belief. You have to believe that change is possible. That's where the growth mindset comes into it. A growth mindset is the belief that your abilities and intelligence can be developed with effort, learning and persistence. You can visualize your success if that works for you. Picture yourself performing the new habits and enjoying the rewards. Positive affirmations can also be powerful. Remind yourself daily of your goals and the progress that you've made.

Speaker 1:

I can't stress enough the importance of mindfulness in changing habits. Mindfulness Find yourself daily of your goals and the progress that you've made. I can't stress enough the importance of mindfulness in changing habits. Mindfulness helps you stay very aware of your actions and staying in the present moment as well, making it easier to recognise habits and interrupting those bad habits when they seep into your day. So try incorporating a daily meditation practice, if that's what's for you, even if it's just for a few minutes. Or focus on your breath and observe your thoughts without judgment. Over time, this practice can increase your self-awareness and help you gain control over your habits, and it's about persistence and patience.

Speaker 1:

Changing habits takes time. It's not a quick fix. There will be setbacks and that it's okay having setbacks. What matters is that you keep going. You keep moving forward, be patient with yourself and persistence in your efforts. Remember it takes an average of 66 days to perform a new habit, so don't get discouraged if you don't see immediate results and celebrate your progress and learn from your mistakes. Every step you take, no matter how small, is a step forward to a better you. So that's it. That's today's podcast about changing your habits and getting rid of the bad ones. Just to recap identify your habits, understand the habit loop, set clear goals, create a plan, stay accountable, adopt a growth mindset, practice mindfulness and be persistent. You have the power to change your habits and transform your life. Thanks for joining me on today's the morning mindset. If you found this episode helpful, please subscribe, leave a review and share it with anybody else who you think will benefit. Have an amazing day, stay motivated, stay focused, stay positive and don't forget to run your own race.